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A Look At The Four Basic Types Of Hazardous Waste

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The world of hazardous waste is pretty vast, and there are a lot of things to get familiar with if you will be dealing with hazardous waste on any level. Some of those things include the four basic types of hazardous waste. 

Ignitable or Flammable Waste 

Ignitable or flammable waste can be easily set fire or ignited when it interacts with a spark or a flame. Gasoline is a good example of an ignitable fluid, but there is a great list of many others that fit the same criteria. Flammable wastes cause hazards because they have to be contained in a way that will protect them from potential interaction with a spark or a flame. Some waste that only has a particulate matter in it that is ignitable can also be deemed as such and must be treated the same even if the primary carrier material is not. 

Corrosive Waste 

Corrosive waste tends to most often be materials that are acids and can either decompose or rust another material. These materials are considered a hazard because they can start to degrade or break down other materials as soon as they come in contact with them. Some forms of waste are corrosive all on their own because they are highly acidic or have high alkaline levels, but some wastes become acidic when they interact with something else. For example, a high-alkaline fluid may only become corrosive if it is allowed to interact with a certain kind of metal. 

Toxic Waste 

Toxic waste is any material that is considered poisonous to humans or animals. Many industrial facilities create a lot of toxic waste through industrial processes, and this material cannot be distributed into the environment. If the material is not appropriately handled, contaminating the environment can also lead to toxic exposure for both animals and humans. For instance, a toxic fluid being leaked into a local stream could feed contaminated water to a local water reservoir that is used to deliver water to the public. 

Explosive or Reactive Waste 

One of the more worrisome waste products is explosive or reactive waste. There can be many variables that can make a waste product explosive or reactive. Some products may become reactive if they are entrapped in an air-tight container without ventilation, while others may be reactive if they come in contact with water. These materials require specific handling to ensure the safety of everyone, including those in the area and employees. 

To learn more, contact a resource like Ohana Environmental Construction Inc.
